We are delighted to announce that Rendall & Rittner has been awarded a Five Star accreditation in the British Safety Council audit for the sixth consecutive year. Securing an impressive score of 97.55% - an increase of over half a percentage point from last year - this achievement demonstrates our commitment to best practice in health and safety.
The Five Star award is the highest accreditation given by the British Safety Council, representing the gold standard in occupational health and safety. The audit process entails a rigorous evaluation, measuring performance against key health and safety indicators and a detailed review of nearly sixty components of health and safety management. It includes an in-depth review of policies and processes, interviews with senior leadership and employees, and sampling of operational practices.
Rendall & Rittner has consistently surpassed the Five Star threshold of 92%, with scores above 97% every year since 2021. We have also maintained our ISO 45001 accreditation again this year. Maintaining this level of performance is a testament to our commitment to continual improvement, as reflected in the growth of our health and safety team and systems.
The British Safety Council auditor commended our efforts, commenting: "There is a good organisational occupational health and safety culture at Rendall & Rittner. The growth of the health and safety team and resources provided show that it is a priority. Everybody in the organisation is expected to be a health and safety leader regardless of position. Continual improvement is a key part of Rendall & Rittner's health and safety plan, and culture. The organisation clearly strives for best practice and is committed to developing their own staff to achieve that."
Mike Robinson, CEO British Safety Council, said: “The award of a five star grading following our occupational best practice Health and Safety Audit is an outstanding achievement and is reflective of a proactive organisation which is committed to continual improvement in its health and safety arrangements and managing risks to workers’ health, safety and wellbeing.”
Sue Petri, Director at Rendall & Rittner, comments: “Ensuring the health and safety of our people and all our stakeholders is pivotal to everything we do, as is ensuring the safety of the properties we manage. We are committed to continuously improving our policies, processes and training, and are proud to have received this external verification of our standards from the British Safety Council and ISO. Being awarded a Five Star accreditation for the sixth consecutive year with an improved score is an excellent achievement. I would like to thank everyone involved for their hard work in ensuring that we continue to operate at this Five Star level.”